Investment Loan vs Consumer Loan | What’s the difference?
Two good friends from childhood – Jack and Paul – met after years in the bar. They began to talk about their life and when it came […]
? How is wealth created? | Savings and Investments 2021
Wealth is created through self-sacrifice and taking risks. Imagine a world in which suddenly all the tools disappear. All buildings, cars and machinery or even basic tools […]
How does The Law of Supply and Demand work?
I am going to ask you a weird question: What was the demand for cars in year 1120? Someone could answer without any hesitation: “None, there was […]
Interest Rates and Time Preference
If people only had high time preference, we would probably still be in the Stone Age. Increases in production are only possible through saving and capital formation. […]
Monopoly in a free market | Is it possible?
A great number of people think that free market is just a way for monopolies to prey on poor customers. The same people think that only […]