We teach Austrian Economics in a fun way! How is wealth created? Saving and investing is the key to personal wealth as well as the economic growth. ? How prices are determined? What can we learn from knowing the price discovery process? ? The Great Recession was initiated by bursting of the housing bubble. But why there was a housing bubble in the first place? Opportunity cost is the road not taken. Every action has a cost! How do we determine the value of things? How to explain the “water and diamonds paradox”? The law of diminishing marginal utility gives us an answer! Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way! ?
Inflation and Deflation | A Hidden Tax
We often hear in the mainstream media that inflation is desirable, that it’s positive for the economy. Central […]
Investment Loan vs Consumer Loan | What’s the difference?
Two good friends from childhood – Jack and Paul – met after years in the bar. They began […]
? How is wealth created? | Savings and Investments 2021
Wealth is created through self-sacrifice and taking risks. Imagine a world in which suddenly all the tools disappear. […]
How does The Law of Supply and Demand work?
I am going to ask you a weird question: What was the demand for cars in year 1120? […]
Interest Rates and Time Preference
If people only had high time preference, we would probably still be in the Stone Age. Increases in […]
Monopoly in a free market | Is it possible?
A great number of people think that free market is just a way for monopolies to prey […]